fling meaning in telugu

Word: fling
Meaning of fling in english - casual throw, unrestrained behavior, throw with abandon

Meanings in telugu :

zaadianchu ( ాడించు )

Synonyms of fling

lob shot toss pitch chuck cast hurl peg heave firing slinging launching essay splurge indulgence affair rampage whirl binge try trial party orgy stab gamble venture crack go attempt spree fun celebration good time jerk dump catapult propel fire send shy precipitate

Antonyms of fling

abstention calm care peace hold keep

Related English Telugu Meaning

flintflirtfloat of timberfloat used in anglingfloatflock of birdsflock of cuckoosflock of parrotsflock of sheepflock ofhundred sheepflockfloodflop downflounder to mouthflour and sugarflour boiled in steamflour consisting ofmixture of several substances used in making liquorsflourflourishflourishes
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