flourish meaning in telugu
Word: flourish
Meaning of flourish in english - curlicue, decoration, grow, prosper, wave about
twist embellishment ornamentation quirk plume spiral sweep garnish furbelow develop blossom multiply succeed boom expand bloom thrive flower augment batten wax increase score burgeon go arrive amplify come along get ahead get on make out do well be on top of heap bear fruit go great guns hit it big live high on hog twirl display wag swing wield brandish swish flaunt shake flutterdecrease lessen shrivel wither cease hinder languish shrink fail lose stunt concealfluctuatingflashflaskflatterflatflavorflawfleshfluencyflung from his chariotflute-playerflutering of wingsfluttering accents sobbingflaxfluttering accentsfleshyflickerflightfluttering soundfly brush
Meanings in telugu :
pravardhillu ( ప్రవర్ధిల్లు )
Identical words :
flourishes - pooje ( పూజె )
Synonyms of flourish
Antonyms of flourish
Related English Telugu Meaning
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