fluttering meaning in telugu
Word: fluttering
fly brushfly off assplinterflyflying rapidlyflying shadowflyingfoalfoot plantfoalingfoamfoefoetusfogfoh pah bahfoiblefold of clothfold of the skinfoldfolding account book formed of cloth covered with black paste and polished likeslatefoldingfoldthe hands
Meanings in telugu :
spandamu ( స్పందము )
Identical words :
fluttering accents sobbing - gadgadamu ( గద్గడము )
fluttering accents - dagguttik ( డగ్గుత్తిక )
fluttering sound - tapatap ( తపతప )
fluttering accents - dagguttik ( డగ్గుత్తిక )
fluttering sound - tapatap ( తపతప )
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