fog meaning in telugu
Word: fog
Meaning of fog in english - heavy mist that reduces visibility, mental unclarity, muddle, obscure
gloom smoke smog vapor steam cloud murk effluvium obscurity wisp nebula murkiness smother haze grease miasma film brume soup London fog ground clouds pea soup smaze visibility zero-zero confusion vagueness stupor trance befuddlement daze blindness perplexity muddledness muddlement mystify dim bedim darken confuse muddy puzzle eclipse blur bewilder obfuscate stupefy becloud addleclearness cognizance understanding consciousness enlighten explain explicate clear up brighten clarifyfoh pah bahfoiblefold of clothfold of the skinfoldfolding account book formed of cloth covered with black paste and polished likeslatefoldingfoldthe handsfoliagefolkfollowfollowedfollower of the sceptical philosopher charvākafollowerfollowing afterfollowing that which followsfollowingfollyfond regardfondle
Meanings in telugu :
maanchu ( మంచు )
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Antonyms of fog
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