forbidding meaning in telugu
Word: forbidding
Meaning of forbidding in english - ominous, daunting
sinister threatening menacing frightening grim tough hostile foreboding offensive repellent abhorrent disagreeable dour odious repulsive ugly unapproachable unfriendly unpleasant off-puttingkind friendly nice gentle agreeable approachableforce exaction forcing people to pay the price set upon articlesforceforced contributionforcedforcesforcingfordferryfore-armfore-partforeforefathersforefingerforeheadforeign countryforeignforeignerforenoonforest tree calledforest tree with delicate woolly flowersforest
Meanings in telugu :
pratishēdhamu ( ప్రతిషేధము )
Synonyms of forbidding
Antonyms of forbidding
Related English Telugu Meaning
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