friendliness meaning in telugu

Word: friendliness
Meaning of friendliness in english - companionability

Meanings in telugu :

saumanasyamu ( సౌమనస్యము )

Synonyms of friendliness

camaraderie cordiality goodwill kindness warmth kindliness geniality amiability congeniality amity sociability benevolence affability friendship conviviality comity neighborliness comradery

Antonyms of friendliness

hostility hatred aloofness coldness

Related English Telugu Meaning

friendly speechfriendly talkfriendlyfriendshipfriezefrightfrightenedfrightfulnessfrigidfrigthfulfringefripperyfrock worn by little girlsfrockfrogfrolicfrolicsfrom considering them as belonging tofrom fatiguefrom head to foot
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