garb meaning in telugu

Word: garb
Meaning of garb in english - clothing, fit with clothes

Meanings in telugu :

vēshamu ( వేషము )

Synonyms of garb

garment uniform costume attire apparel duds dress semblance habiliment habit outfit rags threads wear gear things guise appearance array raiment vestments feathers robes drape deck clad cover tog turn out deck out fit out rig out rig up

Antonyms of garb

reality disrobe uncover unclothe lay bare

Related English Telugu Meaning

garden attached tohousegarden bedgarden plotgarden stuffgarden-bedgardengarland of flowersgarland of leavesgarland worn likesashgarlandgarlands of flowersgarlicgarment clothesgarmentgarret near the roof of the housegasping fgate made of open barsgate-waygategateway
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