gross meaning in telugu

Word: gross
Meaning of gross in english - large, fat, whole, crude, vulgar, obvious, apparent, total, whole, bring in as total

Meanings in telugu :

vatti ( వట్టి )

Identical words :

gross produce - aamishamu ( ఆమిషము )

Synonyms of gross

heavy hulking great overweight stout husky thick big bulky chubby corpulent dense fleshy lumpish massive obese porcine portly unwieldy weighty adipose aggregate entire complete all outright before deductions before tax in sum whole ball of wax whole enchilada whole nine yards whole schmear whole shebang barnyard offensive ribald callous foul raw rank rough dull low boorish breezy carnal cheap coarse corporeal crass fleshly ignorant improper impure indecent indelicate inelegant insensitive lewd loudmouthed low-minded lustful obscene raunchy scatological sensual sexual sleazy smutty tasteless ugly uncouth uncultured unfeeling unrefined unseemly unsophisticated voluptuous in the gutter swinish undiscriminating perfect sheer plain manifest absolute capital shocking glaring extreme arrant blatant downright egregious excessive exorbitant flagrant grievous heinous immoderate inordinate out-and-out outrageous serious shameful unmitigated unqualified entirety totality sum total earn make

Antonyms of gross

insignificant unimportant skinny underweight slender net moral polite hidden obscured vague little slight small weak thin part partial clean modified incomplete unfinished kind pleasing honest healthy nice decent sensitive good sophisticated imperfect indefinite uncertain unclear ambiguous concealed flawed inferior moderate limited fraction

Related English Telugu Meaning

grottoground forsuppositionground on the skirts ofriverground sharpgroundgroundlessgroup of small villages that are connected with another important villagegroupgrove of mango treesgrovegrow greatgrow idlegrow lessgrow thingrowgrowing corngrowing plantsgrowling gruff speakinggrowngrowth of wet crops
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