growth meaning in telugu
Word: growth
Meaning of growth in english - development, progress, tumor
prosperity success advance hike rise advancement expansion improvement increase production gain surge unfolding crop buildup flowering aggrandizement cultivation boost vegetation proliferation swell enlargement produce augmentation multiplication evolution extension maturing evolvement thickening maturation sprouting germination widening stretching waxing beefing up fleshing out heightening upping Cancer outgrowth swelling polyp lump parasite excrescence mole fibrousness fungus wen cancroidloss halt stagnation decrease destruction reduction abridgment compression abatement diminishment lessening failure stop decline worseninggrudgegruelgruffgruntgrunting ofpiggruntingguard overharemguard worn on the finger when playing the guitarguardguardian of the southern point of the heavensguardianshipguardingguardsguardsmanguava treeguessguestguidanceguileguileful
Meanings in telugu :
ed ( ఎద )
Identical words :
growth of wet crops - naanj ( నంజ )
Synonyms of growth
Antonyms of growth
Related English Telugu Meaning
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