hastiness meaning in telugu

Word: hastiness
Meaning of hastiness in english - haste

Meanings in telugu :

duduku ( దుడుకు )

Identical words :

hastiness excess - aatōpamu ( ఆటోపము )

Synonyms of hastiness

incautiousness celerity nimbleness impatience expedition heedlessness carelessness fleetness drive dispatch hurriedness dash pace flurry expeditiousness alacrity bustle hustle foolhardiness hurly-burly hustling impetuosity

Antonyms of hastiness

slowness slowing

Related English Telugu Meaning

harshnesshastilyhastinesshastyhatefulnesshaughtiness patronagehauling attractinghaunchhathatefulhaunches the hip and loinshave mercy onhaving all the membershaving dentshaving lifehaving no holeshaving no walls butroof on pillarshaving the face towardshatredhaughtiness
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