herald meaning in telugu

Word: herald
Meaning of herald in english - omen, messenger, bring message

Meanings in telugu :

panihaari ( పణిహారి )

Identical words :

Synonyms of herald

adviser harbinger bearer courier reporter precursor prophet signal token runner forerunner indication crier outrider publicize tout ballyhoo show trumpet publish proclaim broadcast indicate promise precede announce advertise portend presage declare foretoken pave the way preindicate

Antonyms of herald

conceal hide deny secret

Related English Telugu Meaning

heraldic collarcoronalherb called fenugreekherb called the thick-leaved sorrelherb calledherb withsmall lilac flower and black berriesherbherbsherd of camelsherd of cattleherd of elephantsherd of oxenherdherdsmanhere and therehere belowhere it isherehereafterherebyhereditary property
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