in the manner of meaning in telugu

Word: in the manner of
Meaning of in the manner of in english - like

Meanings in telugu :

vitaan ( వితాన )

Synonyms of in the manner of

comparable alike related agnate cognate twin close matching same uniform conforming resembling corresponding equivalent consonant parallel double equal near allied akin analogous commensurate compatible consistent homologous identical such selfsame approximating jibing congeneric relating allying equaling according to approximative coextensive congenerous much the same not far from not unlike on the order of

Antonyms of in the manner of

dissimilar unlike far unfriendly inconsistent changing variable divergent different unalike away unequal

Related English Telugu Meaning

in the matter ofin the morningin the next placein the third person masculine singularin the vicinityin the yearin this mannerin this placein vainin versein viewin vomitingin washingin weavingin which are inserted the pivots upon which the doin which mortals receive the reward of their virtuous actsin which oblations are presentedin which potsin which seven primeval principles are maintained as existingin which the moons change takes place when the sun is in capricorn
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