incompetent meaning in telugu

Word: incompetent
Meaning of incompetent in english - unskillful, unable

Meanings in telugu :

asamarthamu ( అసమర్థము )

Synonyms of incompetent

inefficient incapable inadequate inept unskilled ineffectual useless unqualified helpless amateurish inexperienced raw awkward bungling bush-league clumsy ineligible inexpert insufficient maladroit unfit uninitiated untrained disqualified floundering not cut out for not equal to not have it out to lunch unadapted unequipped unfitted unhandy

Antonyms of incompetent

capable competent expert useful skilled adept dexterous efficient experienced proficient skillful qualified strong

Related English Telugu Meaning

incompleteincomprehensibleinconceivableincongruityincongruousinconsistencyinconsistentinconstancyincontinenceinconvenienceinconvenientincorporeal oneincorporealincrease of wealth and of other thingsincreaseincreased by an unitincreasedincuredincurpunishmentincurredas expense
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