interference meaning in telugu

Word: interference
Meaning of interference in english - meddling, impedance

Meanings in telugu :

ilaaka ( ఇలాకా )

Synonyms of interference

obstruction conflict intrusion intervention background prying resistance barring arrest opposition hindrance retardation clashing tampering choking interposition meddlesomeness blocking backseat driving barging in checking clogging hampering intermeddling tackling

Antonyms of interference

encouragement aid assistance

Related English Telugu Meaning

interiinteriorinterj surelyinterj well done huzzainterjinterjection in games likeinterjection similar to huzzainterjectionnointermediate pointintermediate spaceintermediateinterminableintermissionintermittent feverinternal abscessinternalinterpretation of spots on the bodyinterrogative adjectiveinterrogative advinterrogative
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