intoxicated meaning in telugu

Word: intoxicated
Meaning of intoxicated in english - drunk, extremely happy

Meanings in telugu :

mattamu ( మత్తము )

Identical words :

intoxicated person - madat ( మదట )

Synonyms of intoxicated

drunken tipsy blind muddled looped inebriated boozed bombed smashed loaded potted high sloppy tight under the influence tanked buzzed three sheets to the wind tied one on unsober delirious dizzy elated affected infatuated concerned moved stimulated interested absorbed sent exhilarated excited beside oneself ecstatic turned-on captivated quickened galvanized enraptured piqued

Antonyms of intoxicated

sober straight sad unhappy unperturbed untroubled disinterested unconcerned bored depressed

Related English Telugu Meaning

intoxicating drinkintoxicating liquorintoxicationintractableintricacyintriceintrigueintrointroductionintumescenceinundatedinundationinvaluableinvasioninventinventioninventoryinvertedinvestigateinvestigation
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