irregular meaning in telugu

Word: irregular
Meaning of irregular in english - random, variable, abnormal, peculiar, bumpy, uneven

Meanings in telugu :

vishamamu ( విషమము )

Identical words :

As noun :
irregularity - vyatikramamu ( వ్యతిక్రమము )
irregular arrangement - vyutkramamu ( వ్యుత్క్రమము )

Synonyms of irregular

intermittent capricious unreliable sporadic jerky erratic eccentric aberrant aimless casual changeable desultory disconnected discontinuous fitful fragmentary haphazard hit-or-miss inconstant indiscriminate infrequent occasional out of order patchy purposeless recurrent shaky spasmodic uncertain unsettled unsteady unconsidered unsystematic faltering shifting weaving designless fluctuating nonuniform unmethodical unpunctual up and down unusual inappropriate improper strange unorthodox singular deviant queer anomalous atypical different disorderly divergent exceptional extraordinary immoderate inordinate odd off-key quirky unconventional unique unnatural unofficial unsuitable lumpy asymmetrical elliptical jagged craggy unbalanced bent wobbly rough amorphous broken cockeyed crooked devious disproportionate hilly lopsided meandering notched off-balance off-center serrate serrated unequal not uniform out of proportion pitted protuberant scarred unaligned unsymmetrical

Antonyms of irregular

continuous dependable reliable methodical systematic standard usual level smooth constant regular steady normal conventional common even flat appropriate fitting suitable familiar proper

Related English Telugu Meaning

irregularityirreproachableirresistible manirresistible willirresistibleirreverenceirrigateirrigated fieldirritabilityirritateirritationis falling to piecesis measurediscontracted form ofisland in generalislandissuing of anythingit governs an accusativeit happens usuallyit is also supposed to assist in conjuring and giving second sight
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