keeping meaning in telugu
Word: keeping
Meaning of keeping in english - custody, consistency
safekeeping observance preservation charge protection guardianship care balance conformity agreement uniformitycarelessness thoughtlessness neglect disproportion imbalance discord fightingkeeps the rest all tightkept womankeptkernel of any kind freed from the shell askernel of the cocoanutkernel of the unripe palm fruitkerosine oilsometimes corrupted intokettle drumkettlekey of lutekey oflockkeykhondkibekillkilledkillingkinkind heartkind of alliteration
Meanings in telugu :
dhaaranamu ( ధారణము )
Identical words :
keeping the loose pieces of thread in spinning - doobidi ( దూబిడి )
Synonyms of keeping
Antonyms of keeping
Related English Telugu Meaning
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