lameness meaning in telugu
Word: lameness
Meaning of lameness in english - feebleness, limp
incapacity languor inadequacy flimsiness enervation exhaustion frailness senility weakness incompetence delicacy decrepitude insufficiency malaise frailty infirmity debility disease inability insignificance lassitude ineffectualness unhealthiness etiolation effeteness infirmness sickliness hitch halt floppy falter hobble gimp bad wheelsufficiency vigor healthiness effectiveness heartiness soundness ability strength robustness good healthladylamelamp-blacklampblacklamplightlampstandlance withthree sided pointlamenesslamentlampland artificially cultivatedland as much as can be ploughed indayland at the foot ofhillland cleared from jungle fland enriched by drainsland fit flanceland given astoken of respectland granted by the government rent free fland in charge ofrevenue collect
Meanings in telugu :
vaikalyamu ( వైకల్యము )
Synonyms of lameness
Antonyms of lameness
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