legitimate meaning in telugu

Word: legitimate
Meaning of legitimate in english - authentic, valid, legal

Meanings in telugu :

asalu ( అసలు )

Identical words :

legitimate son - urasyudu ( ఉరస్యుడు )

Synonyms of legitimate

real sensible genuine fair normal certain consistent justifiable natural logical statutory appropriate reasonable lawful proper well-founded correct reliable rightful sound recognized sanctioned received acknowledged accredited warranted authorized accepted admissible canonical cogent customary innocent licit official on the level orthodox probable regular sure typical usual verifiable true

Antonyms of legitimate

dishonest counterfeit illegitimate unreal deceptive abnormal unconventional irrational unreliable unsuitable illegal incorrect untrustworthy unlawful unwarranted false invalid unreasonable affected irregular uncommon unfitting

Related English Telugu Meaning

legs and wingslegumeleguminous plantleisurelemon grasslemonlendinglength of the forearmlength of the two arms extendedlength of two yardslengthlengthenedleniencylensleprosylerposylesson given toboy in the vedaslesslessonlet be
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