liquidate meaning in telugu
Word: liquidate
Meaning of liquidate in english - pay, change into cash, destroy, dissolve
reimburse convert repay quit satisfy square exchange clear honor settle discharge realize pay off cash in cash out sell off sell up wipe out annul exterminate get rid of abolish eliminate cancel murder vaporize annihilate remove purge kill dispatch silence do away with do in rub outremain owe construct create take stay upset fail hold keep invest build ratify uphold preserve establish save begin initiate startliquifiedliquorlist of soldierslistlistenlisteninglit a bulls eyelit a kind that has to be driven awaylit analysislit devoid of labialsdevice in versificationlit earthbornlit equivalent to thatlit give thou a demandlit he who purifieslit it is notlit leaf colourlit not kissedlit one that shinesname of the sunlit one who rests on the waterslit takingwife
Meanings in telugu :
achchukonu ( అచ్చుకొను )
Synonyms of liquidate
Antonyms of liquidate
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