lock of hair meaning in telugu
Word: lock of hair
lock worn by hindu men on the top of the headlocklockslocomotivelocustlodgelodginglodgingsloft under the roof ofhouseloftloftinessloftylogical philosophylogicianloinloins the posteriorsloinsloiterloiteringlolium
Meanings in telugu :
sig ( సిగ )
Identical words :
lock of hair worn by men on the crown of the head - chood ( చూడ )
lock of hair on the crown of the head - mauLi ( మౌళి )
lock of hair left on the crown - sik ( సిక )
lock of hair on the crown of the head - mauLi ( మౌళి )
lock of hair left on the crown - sik ( సిక )
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