manage meaning in telugu

Word: manage
Meaning of manage in english - be in charge, control, accomplish, survive, get by

Meanings in telugu :

ēlu ( ఏలు )

Identical words :

As noun :
manager - zall ( ల్ల )
management - nirvahanamu ( నిర్వహణము )
management of affairs - kamaayishu ( కమాయిషు )
manages - pravartakudu ( ప్రవర్తకుడు )
manager intheatre - maarishudu ( మారిషుడు )

Synonyms of manage

use regulate run dominate oversee train conduct administer maintain supervise handle govern operate guide concert influence direct disburse instruct captain manipulate engineer wield designate head superintend advocate watch counsel ply boss officiate pilot execute request rule preside command steer carry on take over take care of call the shots call upon care for engage in hold down run the show take the helm watch over work carry out achieve upstage jockey scam doctor fix contrive effect wangle plant succeed swing cook rig finagle arrange bring about bring off deal with cope with play games pull strings push around put one over fare shift muddle stagger endure bear up get along get on make out make do

Antonyms of manage

obey surrender ignore bumble mismanage serve follow yield forget neglect leave oppose hurt fail destroy disarrange disorganize unsettle disorder

Related English Telugu Meaning

management of affairsmanagementmanager intheatremanagermanagesmandmandatemane oflionmange any cutaneous eruptionmanglemango treemangrovemanhoodmanifestmanifestationmanifested by the acts expression of featuresmanifestlymanlinessmanmadhamanmatha
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