mess meaning in telugu
Word: mess
Meaning of mess in english - disorder, litter, difficulty, predicament
turmoil wreck confusion disarray chaos mayhem debris clutter shambles jumble wreckage dirtiness salmagundi hash combination fright botch hodgepodge discombobulation eyesore untidiness sight compound monstrosity mishmash disorganization every which way plight dilemma imbroglio muddle fix jam stew perplexity mix-upcalm tidiness harmony order peace organization system neatness beauty benefit solution boonmessagemessengermetal caul dronmetal dinner platemetal idolmetal in generalmetal plate used as anmetal platemetal plattermetal ring on the end ofstickmetal vesselmetalmetallicmetaphmetaphormetaphoricalmetaphoricallymetaphoricallycorriding caremetaphoricallydistance in point of timemetaphysical
Meanings in telugu :
sojje ( సొజ్జె )
Identical words :
As noun :
message - samaachaaramu ( సమాచారము )
message - samaachaaramu ( సమాచారము )
mess of food - koor ( కూర )
messenger - padihaari ( పడిహారి )
mess of various roots - pulap ( పులప )
messenger - padihaari ( పడిహారి )
mess of various roots - pulap ( పులప )
Synonyms of mess
Antonyms of mess
Related English Telugu Meaning
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