money meaning in telugu
Word: money
mongoosemonkmonkeymonkeyhoodmonopolymonsieurmonstermonth calledmonth jyeshṭhamonthmonthlymoon and starsmoon plantmoonmoonlightmoonstonemoral meritmoralitymorassmorbid state of the three humours
Meanings in telugu :
hiranyamu ( హిరణ్యము )
Identical words :
money given secretly - antasth ( అంతస్థ )
money paid bybridegroom to the parents ofbride - ōli ( ఓలి )
money subscription - chanda ( చందా )
money security given to keep the peace - tipu ( టీపు )
money dealings in general - laavaadēvi ( లావాదేవి )
money distributed among brahmins - sambhaavan ( సంభావన )
money paid bybridegroom to the parents ofbride - ōli ( ఓలి )
money subscription - chanda ( చందా )
money security given to keep the peace - tipu ( టీపు )
money dealings in general - laavaadēvi ( లావాదేవి )
money distributed among brahmins - sambhaavan ( సంభావన )
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