necessary meaning in telugu

Word: necessary
Meaning of necessary in english - essential, inevitable

Meanings in telugu :

paayikhaana ( పాయిఖానా )

Synonyms of necessary

unavoidable mandatory fundamental urgent indispensable required crucial needed vital imperative significant basic paramount decisive prime binding chief pressing cardinal expedient requisite prerequisite principal compelling compulsory de rigueur elementary exigent momentous obligatory quintessential specified wanted needful all-important bottom-line incumbent on name of game imminent certain assured fated ineluctable inescapable inexorable infallible undeniable ineludible inerrant inevasible returnless

Antonyms of necessary

optional unnecessary voluntary additional extra minor trivial unimportant nonessential inessential insignificant useless contingent needless secondary

Related English Telugu Meaning

necessitynecknecklace hanging as low as the waistnecklace of beadsnecklace of twenty stringsnecklace ofhundred strandsnecklacenectar of honey offlowernectarneedneedleneedyneem treenegnegative prefix becoming an before vowels and corresponding to the privatives ànegative prefix like unnegative prefixneglectneglectedneglectof study
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