needle meaning in telugu
Word: needle
Meaning of needle in english - tease, annoy
bedevil bait nag taunt pester goad irritate quiz hector irk tweak prod badger aggravate prick bother question rile sting nettle harass gnaw plague worry ruffle provoke spur rideassuage delight dissuade appease mollify soothe aid assist praise make happy please discourageneedyneem treenegnegative prefix becoming an before vowels and corresponding to the privatives ànegative prefix like unnegative prefixneglectneglectedneglectof studynegligencenegotiationnegro coffee treenegroneighneighbourneighbourhoodneighbouring houseneighbouring kingneighbouringneighing
Meanings in telugu :
soodi ( సూది )
Synonyms of needle
Antonyms of needle
Related English Telugu Meaning
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