nerve meaning in telugu

Word: nerve
Meaning of nerve in english - daring, boldness, strengthen, hearten

Meanings in telugu :

sir ( సిర )

Synonyms of nerve

confidence stomach grit courage determination fortitude spirit vigor force energy gameness gall presumption spunk chutzpah endurance guts crust assumption bravery might coolness assurance fearlessness impudence brazenness impertinence temerity backbone pluck firmness intrepidity brass moxie mettle effrontery hardihood sauce cheek face will audacity steadfastness resolution insolence intestinal fortitude hardiness starch steel invigorate embolden encourage cheer fortify inspirit animate brace

Antonyms of nerve

cowardice fear doubt weakness idleness inactivity lethargy modesty shyness reality humility uncertainty manners meekness timidity powerlessness politeness care caution carefulness weaken dishearten dissuade depress

Related English Telugu Meaning

nervousnessness signifying statenestnet balancenet-worknetnether worldnets fneuter adjneuter genderneuternew bednew born calfnew clothnew disciplenew leaf ofwater lilynew moonnew seasonnew sprout springing from the stumps of milletnew
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