odd meaning in telugu

Word: odd

Meanings in telugu :

vekkuru ( వెక్కురు )

Identical words :

oddity - vint ( వింత )
oddapplied to money - chungudi ( చుంగుడి )
odds and ends - tutte ( తుట్టె )
oddas applied to numbers - bēsi ( బేసి )
oddness - vikaaramu ( వికారము )
odd thing - vint ( వింత )

Related English Telugu Meaning

oddapplied to moneyoddas applied to numbersoddityoddnessodds and endsodhra languageodourof an asura calledof courseof cryingof cut tobaccoof different kindsof either horsesof faintingof fatof flowersof fourof garlickof gaṇēsaof gold
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