one of the six philosophical systemsdarsanasof the hindus meaning in telugu
Word: one of the six philosophical systemsdarsanasof the hindus
one of the supernatural facultiesone of the three legsone of the three principal hindu deitiesone ofclass of singers in the heaven of indraone ofselect band sworn never to recede and stationed to prevent the flight of the restone own chargeone pannierone purified by austerity and mortificationone quarter ofone quarter ofsixteenthone side ofleafone side ofsloping roofone sideone sixteenth part of the measure calledone species is calledone that dies immediately after it seedsone that has only one eyeone that hasbolyone thousand millionsone twelfth part of an anna
Meanings in telugu :
vaishēshikamu ( వైశేషికము )
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