Ultimatum meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ultimatum
As noun : अंतिम चेतावनी Ex:  India issued an ultimatum to Pakistan to stop its aggression.
अंतिमेत्थम Ex:  A second addition to the ultimatum अल्टीमेटम Ex:  Henry complied with his wife's ultimatum उ:   फिर जंतरमंतरी गुर्गो को अगले दिन सुबह तक का अल्टीमेटम दे दिया गया। आख़िरी बात या वाक्य Ex:  The Times denounced the ultimatum as an 'extravagant farce'
Other : अंतिम प्रस्ताव Ex:  By the time the ultimatum was presented अन्तिम चेतावनी Ex:  This ultimatum ended the Bigombe initiative. अन्तिम निर्णय Ex:  Two weeks after Museveni delivered his ultimatum of 6 February 1994 अन्तिम शर्त Ex:  Hitler sent an ultimatum to Schuschnigg on 11 March अन्तिमेत्थं Ex:  The ultimatum was set to expire at noon but was extended by two hours. अन्तिमेत्थम Ex:  Romania received an ultimatum from the Soviet Union आखिरी बात या वाक्य Ex:  News of the ultimatum reached London on the day it expired. चरमामिसंधि Ex:  Suharto issued an ultimatum to Halim Air Force Base
Usage of Ultimatum in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
Word of the day

Brijesh chaurasiya 14 March, 2025 Ultimatum ka matlab
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