Umbilical cord meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Umbilical cord
As noun : कृक Ex:  What is left in the matrix after the release of the fetus, that is, the placenta, umbilical cord and membranes that enveloped the fetus
टुडी़ टूँडी़ ढोँढी तुंडी तुंदिकर तोँदी नाभि रज्जु नाभि उ:   इलेक्ट्रान इसी नाभि के चक्कर काटता है। शिरामूल
Umbilical cord ki paribhasha : jaraayuj jntuon ke pet ki bichobich vah chihn ya gaddha jahaaan garbhaavastha men jaraayunaal jud rahata hai
Usage of Umbilical cord in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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