Uncompromising meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Uncompromising
As adjective : वादीला Ex:  Figuratively, it means Who assigns an uncompromising authority
समझौता न करने वाला Ex:  It is uncompromising on this point हठालू हठिल हठील हठीला
Other : कट्टर Ex:  "one of the most harshly uncompromising bands" on the scene. न मानने वाला या हठी Ex:  After the uncompromising "We demand" program had failed न मानने वाला Ex:  They were declared "hardened and uncompromising enemies of Soviet authority". मताग्रही Ex:  a person uncompromising Character
Uncompromising ki paribhasha : apane snkalp ya vachan ko poora karanevaala
Usage of Uncompromising in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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