Uncountable meaning in hindi
As noun : अगणनीय Ex: The computer can output uncountable bytes of information in a second.
As adjective :
अगणन Ex: There are uncountable stars in the sky. अगण्य Ex: Since their union is uncountable अगन Ex: The reals are uncountable असंख्य Ex: The word is based on the Greek for uncountable उ: शाखा-प्रशाखाओं में असंख्य मंजरी मिलती है। असंख्यक बेप्रमाण स्फिर
Other : जिसकी गणना न की जा सके
ExamplesUsage of Uncountable in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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