Underlying meaning in hindi
As noun : अधःस्थ Ex:  He defined the principle underlying the theory.
As verb :
अंतर्निहित Ex:  the issue underlying the strike was unionization उ: वस्तु वायदे में, अंतर्निहित परिसंपत्ति एक वस्तु है। आधारभूत Ex:  1 is the only part of the underlying logic that Euclid explicitly articulated. उ: प्रेम एक आधारभूत एवं सार्वभौम संवेग है। सतह के नीचे का Ex:  The residents had long known of the underlying coal
Other : अन्तर्निहित Ex:  The problems of modernisation are the underlying concern of several films. अर्न्तहित Ex:  An attribute cannot have an existence independent of an underlying substance. मूलभूत Ex:  The underlying rock strata are sandstones उ: ये सभी अफ्रीका के मूलभूत व प्राचीन निवासी हैं।
ExamplesUsage of Underlying in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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