Undermine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Undermine
As noun : कमज़ोर कर देना Ex:  “such facts undermine the stability of Species”
As verb :
खोखला कर देना Ex:  Huxley used the principles of energy science to undermine George's theory दुर्बल बना देना सुरंग खोद
Other : अवमूल्यन करना Ex:  During his ministry, Devadatta frequently tried to undermine the Buddha. गुप्त रूप से हानि पहुंचाना Ex:  In order to undermine the royal couple जड़ काटना Ex:  This would undermine my responsibility जड़े काटना Ex:  To undermine the foundations of the state दुर्बल करना सुरंग खोदना सुरंग निकालना
Usage of Undermine in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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