Understand meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Understand
As noun : अँगिरना Ex:  it is really very difficult to understand adolescents.
अएरना Ex:  She did not understand her husband एनडोर्स Ex:  Only advocates can understand the language of courtroom. स्वीकार करना Ex:  4.6% can only understand it, and 5.4% can neither speak nor understand Persian.
As verb : अकलना Ex:  To understand physics laws is beyond my ken. अकलना Ex:  To understand physics laws is beyond my ken. अकूफ Ex:  One could understand Hamlets mind by his asides. आलक्षण Ex:  someday you will understand my actions उपसंहृति Ex:  I did not understand the keynote of that lecture. उलेखनापु Ex:  By and by hell understand औराना Ex:  She doesn't understand . गृधू Ex:  I can't understand what you're trying to get at . जहन Ex:  I don't understand this . जानना Ex:  I don't think you understand what I said . उ:   हमें सर्वप्रथम यह जानना चाहिये कि टीका क्या है। दानिस्त Ex:  I can't understand anything Bob says . निबोध Ex:  "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," and reneged on his promise. निबोध Ex:  "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," and reneged on his promise. परिगम Ex:  I couldn't understand it and I still can't. पर्यावलोकन Ex:  If I were a racist for the Ku Klux Klan, I could understand it. प्रदिपद् Ex:  But how could I understand the booing? प्ररुपण Ex:  What I don't understand is how he lost five". प्रविचेतन Ex:  Psychology seeks to understand behavior and the brain. प्राज्ञा Ex:  It is therefore important to understand the indicators for good aid. बूझ, बूझि Ex:  To understand this interconversion मान लेना Ex:  In Nepal everybody understand Hindi. लुर ‡ Ex:  Perhaps to understand this विपस् Ex:  "If the public could understand व्यंदना Ex:  In the first attempt to understand the many species समझ Ex:  To understand the characteristics of learners in childhood उ:   संस्कृत समझ नहीं आती थीं। समझना Ex:  They usually understand the cognitive basis of humor उ:   अतः उस रेखा का विशेष प्रभाव समझना चाहिए। सामहलि Ex:  Ørsted did not fully understand his discovery सामुझि ‡ Ex:  German readers understand those circumscriptions सूझबूझ Ex:  GIS specialists must understand computer science and database systems. उ:   यह शिक्षण उद्देश्य केन्द्रीय तथा सूझबूझ से युक्त होता है।
Other : अर्थ कल्पना करना Ex:  No one could understand his moan of pain. पता पाना Ex:  The Americans tended to understand security in situational terms बोध करना Ex:  "I thought he would understand what The Rings meant, because UA did not". समझाना Ex:  95% of the population understand Catalonia's native Catalan language सीखना Ex:  Easier to understand are 3-d models of the projections. उ:   परन्तु साथ ही उनको भी अलग चिह्नों के रूप में सीखना पड़ता है। सूचना पाना Ex:  To understand this phenomenon more clearly Franklin conducted experiments.
Understand ki paribhasha : kisi kaary ke karane ki pranaali aadi samajhana koi baat achchhi tarah kisi ke man men baithaana kisi vastu ki sthiti, guna, kriya ya pranaali ityaadi nirdisht karanevaala bhaav dhaaran karana kisi baat ko achchhi tarah jaan lena
Usage of Understand in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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