Undisputed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Undisputed
As noun : अनरुअ Ex:  The highest point in undisputed Indian territory is Kangchenjunga, at .
अनुयोयी Ex:  Olajuwon became the undisputed leader of the team. अनुरुपना Ex:  Ljubljana emerged as the undisputed cultural center of the Slovene Lands अनुहरत Ex:  Connecticut to the Massachusetts border as well as undisputed claim to Rye अनुहारि Ex:  Bismarck held undisputed control over the government's policies. अस Ex:  Facts undisputed इकरस Ex:  Heredity also designates the undisputed biological Done, under which descendants are spread not only the specific type, but some characters single parents, or even more distant ancestors इकसारपु Ex:  It remains undisputed that ईंढ Ex:  The undisputed principles एकजीव Ex:  Truths undisputed एकरंग Ex:  It took, in colloquial language, the meaning of Him who has an undisputed superiority in a science, an art, a craft or a sport एकरस करीन छौँह, छौँहा तद्रूप तुल्यकत्क्ष तुल्यजातीय नाईँ निमन नीकाश प्रतिम प्रसन्नकल्प लौँ विषु सँवाँ सजनपद सद्दश सधर्म, सधर्मक समतूल समसरि समस्थ समान उ:   यह बर्फ के समान श्वेत रंग का पत्थर होता है। सरीस सरुप सविध सानक सारखा सारीख, सारीखा सिरखी सै ‡ सोँ ‡ हमतोल हमपल्ला
As adjective : अविलष्ट Ex:  It is undisputed that the Internal Revenue Collector of the Port of St. अविवादित Ex:  In 1997, Hingis became the undisputed World No. उ:   हलाकि यूरोपीय संघ की स्थिति प्रोटोकॉल के तहेत अविवादित नही है। निर्विवाद उ:   सब कुछ निरपेक्ष और निर्विवाद लगता है भयावह रूप से पारदर्शी लगता है।
Undisputed ki paribhasha : sharir ke antargat paaanch vaayuon men se ek vaayu jisaka sthaan naabhi maana gaya hai
Usage of Undisputed in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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