Unemployed meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतर्गडु Ex: He has recruited some unemployed youths in his company.
अकर्मान्वित Ex: the long-term unemployed need assistance अतप Ex: The problem was that you had unemployed machines and unemployed people. अनिर्वेश Ex: Many such unemployed workers क्षीणवृत्ति Ex: It is estimated that there are more than 1.2 million people who are unemployed खानानशी Ex: Violent gangs of the urban unemployed खारच Ex: In 1909 he set up Labour Exchanges to help unemployed people find work. गैताल Ex: 19.4% of city residents are unemployed निरथु Ex: 58.3% of the unemployed are black निरूद्यमी Ex: 91% of the unemployed are black. निरूद्योग Ex: There remains a record proportion of long-term unemployed निरूद्योगी Ex: Absolutely, Strike, Public Place de Paris, located on the edge of the Seine, in front of City Hall, where executions used to be doing and where unemployed workers were meeting while waiting to be hired फोकरा Ex: Action to be unemployed बेकाज Ex: be without spot, be unemployed बेकार Ex: unemployed worker बेफजूल बेमसरफ बेरोजगार उ: आग बेरोजगार अग्निशमन कर्मचारियों और शहद इकट्ठा करने वालों ने लगाई थी। मिरथा रददी राशिवर्धन श्वेतकाकीय हेचपोच
Other : निरुद्यम Ex: There are 74,400 officially registered unemployed working age बेरोज़गार या बेकार या बैठा हुआ या निरुद्यम बैठा हुआ वृत्तहीन वृत्तिरहित
Unemployed ki paribhasha : jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho
ExamplesUsage of Unemployed in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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