Unfamiliar with meaning in hindi
As noun : अजननी Ex:  For a traveller unfamiliar with Athens
अनगैरी० Ex:  It is still unfamiliar with English अनचिन्ह० Ex:  , Translation dictionary blows, said of those who, unfamiliar with the language, are obliged to translate it, to have frequent recourse to the dictionary अनचीता अनचीन्हा० अनचीन्ह० अपरिचित उ: आरण्यक जीवन और नागरिक जीवन एक दूसरे से अपरिचित नहीं रह जाते। असंस्तुत नाआश्ना लाइल्म
ExamplesUsage of Unfamiliar with in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi
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