Unfortunate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unfortunate
As noun : अनाभ्युदयिक Ex:  His speech had a most unfortunate sequel.
अनिष्टशंका Ex:  Take a right turn.
An unfortunate turn of events occurred.
अभागा Ex:  We had an unfortunate concantenation of bomb mishaps last month. उ:   माता का देहांत हो जाता है और पिता उसे अभागा मान कर त्याग देते हैं। अरिष्ट Ex:  Another story features an unfortunate French soldier running from Cossacks अल्पभाग्य Ex:  In a figurative sense a tragedy is any event with a sad and unfortunate outcome असंपत्ति Ex:  He was unfortunate enough to serve during Maj. असंपत्ति Ex:  He was unfortunate enough to serve during Maj. आलक्षण्य Ex:  Amante unfortunate उपताप Ex:  An unfortunate उपहतक Ex:  an unfortunate case, etc कमबख्ती Ex:  An unfortunate inheritance कर्महीन Ex:  An unfortunate premonition कालकर्णिका, कालकर्णी Ex:  An unfortunate ragged कृफेर Ex:  An unfortunate speech खेदजनक Ex:  Appearance unfortunate ग्राहिणी Ex:  be born under a favorable star, in an unfortunate star चपरगट्ट Ex:  be in the net, being engaged in an unfortunate case that one can not draw जनमजला Ex:  By an unfortunate coincidence त्यक्तश्री Ex:  By extension, an unfortunate author दईजार, दईजारा Ex:  By extension, Life unfortunate दुर्दैव Ex:  deep disorder caused by the troubles and worries qu'amène an unfortunate and unexpected event उ:   भारत दुर्दैव की वेशभूषा आधी मुसलमानी एवं आधी क्रिस्तानी है। दुर्भाग्य Ex:  Do not be deaf to the voice of the unfortunate उ:   दुर्भाग्य से इस समय तक १०० सूत्र ही उपलब्ध हैं। दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण Ex:  extend its protection to all the unfortunate उ:   यह दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना है। दैवदोष Ex:  For an unfortunate economy he wanted to do, it cost him much more दैवहीन Ex:  Happy, unfortunate encounter नसीबजला Ex:  Having the unfortunate hand not to touch anything without breaking the निरभाग Ex:  He also said a Misfortune, an unfortunate accident; and in this sense it is particularly used in the plural पापगति Ex:  He has done a very unfortunate choice फुटेरा Ex:  He just had an unfortunate setbacks उ:   फुटेरा कलां एक दमोह ज़िला का एक कस्बा है। बदनसीबी Ex:  He says, speaking of a crime or some unfortunate affair बदनसीव Ex:  He was between two ends unfortunate बदबखत Ex:  His condition is most unfortunate बेनसीब Ex:  I hate the unfortunate उ:   आशा है कि मैं अपने रब को पुकारकर बेनसीब नहीं रहूँगा। भाग्यविपर्यय, भाग्यविप्लव Ex:  I would not be in his place, said, referring to a person who is in a difficult situation, embarrassing, or is threatened in any event unfortunate मंदभाग्य Ex:  In a way unfortunate लक्षणभ्रष्ट Ex:  In this unfortunate occurrence विधिविपर्यय Ex:  is said to the contrary Having the unfortunate hand विषमलक्ष्मी Ex:  It also means Who calls regrets, which is unfortunate शामतजदा Ex:  It also said the unfortunate accidents that happen in life शामल Ex:  It has something unfortunate in the physiognomy सत्यानासी Ex:  It is a pity, what a pity, that's a shame, it's a great pity, it is an unfortunate thing, unpleasant, distressing, it is a great loss सुर्दुभग Ex:  it is an unfortunate हतदैव Ex:  It is in an unfortunate situation हतभागी Ex:  It is said popularly, and by a sort of irony, to mark an unfortunate thing Excess disagreeable; then it is usually preceded by the signifier so that हतविधि Ex:  It is too true it is too true to assert claim to an unfortunate thing
As adjective : हतभग, हतभाग Ex:  It is most unfortunate in its interior हतभाग्य Ex:  It is said to the contrary, by referring to this formula , a character of unfortunate memory, etc उ:   अपने को हतभाग्य समझकर हाय हाय करना कापुरुषत्व है। हतलक्षण Ex:  It is still used in speaking of it that can produce an unfortunate effect, harmful
Other : अभाग Ex:  Mourning is seen at the places where someone dies or something unfortunate happens. अभागी Ex:  It was an unfortunate trip to the Himalayas. अमंगल Ex:  This is a very unfortunate situation . अलक्ष्मी Ex:  One unfortunate aspect of the city's planning was areas designated for Italians अशुभ Ex:  "but for his unfortunate marriage" उ:   इस समाधान से शुभ और अशुभ का भेद मात्रा का भेद बन जाता है। अहोभाग्य Ex:  A little unfortunate use कमनसीब Ex:  An unfortunate future दुःखद Ex:  Carry away also means Expose serious and unfortunate consequences उ:   यह अति दुःखद है कि कोई भी वाकाटक चरण की गुफा पूर्ण नहीं है। शामती Ex:  It also says that a thing is serious, important, thing that has unfortunate consequences
Usage of Unfortunate in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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