Unhappy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unhappy
As noun : अकह Ex:  They were unhappy over her departure.
अजाय Ex:  Ours was an unhappy marriage. अनखौहा० Ex:  the unhappy memories of her childhood receded as she grew older अनलहता Ex:  He purged all his unhappy memories. अनुचित Ex:  The unhappy teachers forbore from going on strike. उ:   अनुचित कैद में रखा गया व्यक्ति परिसीमित क्षेत्र के बाहर नहीं जा सकता। अन्यथाचार Ex:  I sympathize with you, I had a similar unhappy experience myself. अयाथार्यिक Ex:  One can also be "cheesed off" – unhappy or annoyed. असमीचीन Ex:  He was also unhappy at the college असांम्प्रत Ex:  Haydn and his wife had a completely unhappy marriage ऊलजलूल Ex:  Nyuma and Mondeh, were unhappy with Strasser's handling of the peace process. गैरमुनासिब Ex:  The people were unhappy with the existing government . गैरवाजिब Ex:  A trial that has had an unhappy acre of land has totally ruined जबुर Ex:  Company unhappy नाजायज Ex:  I read on your face that you are unhappy नामाकूल Ex:  In the following sentences: O my God! Unhappy, what are you doing? I implore Thee, my God, unhappy and you must be in the vocative in Greek, Latin नामुनासिब Ex:  It also means unhappy situation, critic embarrassment that grips the heart नावाजिब Ex:  It forced me when I was unhappy नाशाइस्ता Ex:  It gave you an unhappy board here बेढब Ex:  Know option, ie voluntarily, not grateful, namely displeased with someone of something, being satisfied or dissatisfied one thing he said, which he made; be happy or unhappy with his behavior, his process बेतरीका Ex:  Life is a mixture of happy and unhappy events बेमुनासिब Ex:  Men are often unhappy with their fault विधर्मा Ex:  There are many unhappy in that state
As adjective : अन्यमन Ex:  I tried to blot out those unhappy days . अप्रसन्न Ex:  We moved out because we were unhappy . उ:   उनके स्वभाव के कारण उनके माता-पिता उनसे अप्रसन्न रहते थे। आमणदूमण Ex:  "when I was most unhappy I lashed out rather than whined". उदास Ex:  Agassi was unhappy at the academy and grew rebellious. उपतप्त Ex:  An only child, he had a confused and unhappy childhood. कष्टित Ex:  But some top rank Army officers were unhappy with this decision गमजदा Ex:  The people were unhappy with the existing government . चिन्तित Ex:  be happy, unhappy game तृंढ Ex:  Diverting a home which one is unhappy दरदवंद Ex:  Do you know that I am very unhappy with you? God knows, familiar locution which is used to mark uncertainty, difficult to specify importance of the thing we talk with दरदी Ex:  Feeding in his soul an unhappy passion, a love without hope, full of memories charms दुःखी Ex:  Happy, unhappy fate उ:   उनको किसी तरह से दुःखी न करें। दुखारी Ex:  He is brave, cheeky, happy, unhappy at the last point दुस्थ Ex:  He was born unhappy दूमणा Ex:  His speculations were successful, went wrong, were unhappy दूर्भाग्यपूर्ण Ex:  I do not know anyone more unhappy than he नाखुश Ex:  I do not want you to be unhappy निराह्लाद Ex:  It is in an analogous sense we say Am I unhappy enough? Etc निराह्लाद Ex:  It is in an analogous sense we say Am I unhappy enough? Etc पजमुर्दा Ex:  It is unhappy with you परिम्लायी Ex:  It usually means Have an unhappy ending, violent पर्युत्सुक Ex:  It was always unhappy बेदिमाग Ex:  LIVE is also said in relation to how to spend his life in the various states that we embrace, in the different places that we live in a happy or unhappy situation etc मगमूम Ex:  Testifying by a certain facial expression or by its silence that is unhappy with something रंजूर Ex:  The delicate are unhappy रूठड़ा Ex:  The fatal moment that must make me happy or unhappy forever विक्लिष्ट Ex:  The first offensive of the army were unhappy विक्षित Ex:  The nature, the blood spoke when he saw his unhappy son विपज्जन्य Ex:  Time, unhappy reign विप्रतिसारी Ex:  unhappy विमुद Ex:  unhappy Facility Facility who are abused and only produces bad works विरत्त Ex:  unhappy Memory, Memory that hardly holds, who failures विलक्खा Ex:  unhappy Passion, Passion whose purpose does not meet the desires of one who experiences it विललंती Ex:  unhappy state ; chain of unfortunate circumstances समायस्त Ex:  We are never so happy nor so unhappy as one imagines सीद्यमान Ex:  Who is about to occur, speaking of an event, especially unhappy हसीर Ex:  , Make mine to someone, show him that he is unhappy with
Other : अभागा Ex:  Oona survived Chaplin by fourteen years but her final years were unhappy असुखी Ex:  Peel was unhappy with the move and said so publicly on a number of occasions दुखी Ex:  He is unhappy not to have been awarded उ:   भगवान कृष्ण अपनी मां के न लौटने पर दुखी हो गए। मंदभाग्य Ex:  state of one who is unhappy
Unhappy ki paribhasha : jisake chitt men khed utpann hua ho byaayi hui gaay ka saat din ke baad doodh jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho
Usage of Unhappy in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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