Uninteresting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Uninteresting
As noun : अरअ Ex:  Dont romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!
गतरस Ex:  Dwell on generalities uninteresting ग़ैर दिलचस्प निसीठी नीरस फीकरिया विरलभक्ति साठनाठ
Other : अमनोज्ञ Ex:  a very uninteresting account of her trip अरुचिकर Ex:  He considered romantic love to be uninteresting for young children अरोचक Ex:  This piece is well written, but it is uninteresting रूखा
Uninteresting ki paribhasha : jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho
Usage of Uninteresting in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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