Uniqueness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Uniqueness
As noun : खुबी
विलक्षणता उ:   इस विलक्षणता के कारण ही इसे ऋषिगणों ने 'पुनर्नवा' नाम दिया है। विशिष्टता उ:   अपनी-अपनी रस विशिष्टता के साथ। वैचिञ्य वैशिष्टय
Other : अनोखापन Ex:  Buenos Aires architecture is characterized by its individuality and uniqueness असाधारण Ex:  prefixes indicating the uniqueness of an object and which serves to form compound words, especially numerous in the language of Natural Sciences, which we give below the most used उ:   पौधे सूत्रवत्‌ तथा अधिकतर असाधारण ढंग के होते हैं।
Usage of Uniqueness in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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