Unit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unit
As noun : अँग Ex:  the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin
अंग Ex:  The unit was hived off from its parent company उ:   सभी धर्मो' में तीन अंग हैं, ज्ञान, भक्ति और कर्म। अंगशः Ex:  He runs a small ancillary unit at the outskirts of the city. अपित्व Ex:  The dollar is the United States unit of currency अप्तु Ex:  Deutschmark is the unit of money in Germany. अप्रतीक Ex:  The union leader at this unit is a firebrand. अभेदाभेद Ex:  a microprocessor functions as the central processing unit of a microcomputer आंग Ex:  He is the writer of the highest rank.
The unit consisted of 5 officers and 40 other ranks.
इक्क Ex:  Parts of the unit under Maj. ईकाई Ex:  Drozdowski's unit was not attacked by the Russian force उ:   यह एअर इंडिया की एक आनुषांगिक ईकाई है। एक Ex:  If the family unit applies for the maximum allowed number of two उ:   ये एक ईश्वर के ही अलग-अलग रूप और शक्तियाँ हैं। एकक Ex:  Jonas lives in a standard family unit with his mother and father . उ:   इसलिए यह एकक असुविधापूर्ण है। ऐडमिरल्टी Ex:  The day is the smallest unit in the Jewish calendar. कृंतत्र Ex:  This unit remains the basic fighting force of the armed forces of San Marino खण्ड Ex:  DeGavre ordered that the unit stop calling itself the Borinqueneers उ:   पाताल खण्ड में राम के प्रसंग का कथानक आया है। चारबंद Ex:  16,000 unit committees on lowest level. डिवीजन Ex:  The foot-pound-second Imperial unit of force is the pound-force उ:   पालघर जिला , कोंकण डिवीजन मे आता है। दंडानीक Ex:  This is usually meant to be a social unit of eusocial animals नजामत Ex:  Belgrade is a separate territorial unit in Serbia पार्टिशन Ex:  Fifteen EU countries share a common unit of currency, the euro. पीस Ex:  The unit of currency is the colón उ:   पीस टीवी का अनेक देशों में प्रसारण होता है। माट्रक Ex:  2,500 unit limited-edition collectible "Pelé" मेक ‡ Ex:  However, the unit N/kg resolves to m/s² युनिट Ex:  Cash was assigned to a U.S. Air Force Security Service unit उ:   इसे कभी-कभी युनिवर्सल मास युनिट भी कहते हैं। वर्गणा Ex:  Attached to Savage's unit was Dr. विभाग Ex:  A German Waffen-SS unit used "Karl der Große" for some time in 1943 उ:   राशियों का विभाग पीछे से हुआ है । व्यावर्ग Ex:  Manufactured by Boeing's Commercial Airplane unit in the United States शरीरदेश Ex:  Around the walls are panels listing every unit of the AIF शौबा Ex:  In 1951 the systems were nationalized as one unit ह्रित Ex:  Camping is most often arranged at the unit level
Other : इकांक Ex:  Nowadays the cohesion of family unit is crumbling down in big cities. इकाई या टुकडी Ex:  Family as a unit is cohesively sustained. इकाई Ex:  The universal importance of unit leadership is well known उ:   रेटजेल पृथ्वी को जैविक इकाई के रूप में मानते थे। एक प्रमाण Ex:  The social unit that lives in a house is known as a household. एक मान Ex:  After many failed attempts to create the city's own unit एकत्व Ex:  In December 2007, the dinar was the highest valued currency unit in the world. उ:   इस प्रकार एकत्व में विषमता और नानात्व में एकत्व का प्रदर्शन मिलता है। एकांश Ex:  Wisconsin’s days as an active fleet unit were numbered टुकड़ी Ex:  The SI unit of force is the newton उ:   अचानक उन्हें पता चला कि उनकी टुकड़ी में इकलौते वे ही जीवित बचे हैं। दस्ता Ex:  Belgrade has the status of a separate territorial unit in Serbia मात्रक Ex:  Another chemically-based unit of measurement for energy is the "tonne of TNT" उ:   तथा कार्य व ऊर्जा का मात्रक भी ‛जूल’ सामान है। मात्रा Ex:  He fought as a machine-gunner in a unit commanded by Milan Uher उ:   कपास में भी सेल्यूलोस बहुत मात्रा में होता हैं। यूनिट Ex:  It is the basic unit of Windows 2000, and the most common. उ:   एसआई यूनिट का प्रतीक किमी/घंटा हैं। संधानांग Ex:  The first recognized overseas unit was chartered in Gibraltar in 1908
Unit ki paribhasha : kisi aujaar aadi ka vah hissa jo haath se pakad jaata hai ekaaiyon men sabase chhoti aur pahali snkhya baaantane ko kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Unit in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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