Universe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Universe
As noun : Ex:  the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible
अंड Ex:  they study the evolution of the universe उ:   इसी अंड से सूर्य उत्पन्न होता है। अंडकटाह Ex:  Our universe is mysterious. अव्यक्तमलप्रभव Ex:  Hubble's discovery that the universe was expanding आफरीनिश Ex:  The character itself shows the three levels of the universe इंड़ Ex:  Exact solutions of great theoretical interest include the Gödel universe ऊर्द्ध्वमूल Ex:  Each solution of Einstein's equations describes a whole universe काएनात Ex:  In an expanding universe काफा Ex:  In Aristotle's description of the universe कारयित्री Ex:  Tao can be roughly stated to be the flow of the universe खाए Ex:  The universe is not just conscious but it is consciousness उ:   कुछ ऐसे जंतु हैं जिनके रंग खाए गए पदार्थ के रंग पर आधारित होते हैं। खिलकत Ex:  The concept of the Pokémon universe जगत Ex:  Three levels of the universe were located on the tree. उ:   औद्योगिक जगत में आये दिन परिवर्तन होते रहते हैं। जिहान Ex:  Tales of the Black Freighter is a comic book within the Watchmen universe त्रिसर्ग Ex:  The event that started the universe is called the Big Bang. दुःखग्राम Ex:  After the Big Bang the universe started to expand to its present form. दुःखलोक Ex:  The word universe derives from the Old French word univers देसदुनी Ex:  The observable matter is spread uniformly throughout the universe नरनाइक Ex:  The universe is old and evolving. नरलोक Ex:  One solution to these latter two paradoxes is the Charlier universe नीलनिलय Ex:  As the universe expands पाशजाल Ex:  As the universe expanded पिष्टप Ex:  As the universe evolves in time पृत्थीदल Ex:  Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist. ब्रहमाण्ड Ex:  Everything in the universe except the system is known as surroundings. ब्रह्माण्ड Ex:  A system is the region of the universe under study. उ:   तब एक ब्रह्माण्ड उथल-पुथल होता है। भुवन Ex:  Moon and the Earth in the universe were explored philosophically. उ:   जिसमें ये भुवन सरीन का किरदार निभा रहे थे। भूतसर्ग Ex:  The Earth was believed to be the center of the universe with the Sun भूलोक Ex:  Cosmology could be considered the study of the universe as a whole. उ:   यह तीन लोक देवलोक, भूलोक तथा पाताल लोक माने जाते हैं। मानवजाति Ex:  Physics embodies the study of the fundamental constituents of the universe लाहूत Ex:  Observations of the large-scale structure of the universe विश्व Ex:  He outlined his views on the universe in his Principles of Philosophy. उ:   इसे विश्व का प्राचीनतम समुदाय माना जाता है। विश्वकाव्य Ex:  Old Earth creationism holds that the physical universe was created by God विश्वक्षय Ex:  A variety of theories exist regarding the universe विश्वमंच Ex:  An account is recorded in the scriptures according to which the universe विष्टप Ex:  Thus gravity is the dominant force at distance in the universe विष्टप् Ex:  All of the observable universe is filled with large numbers of photons विष्टभ Ex:  Trimurthi, other lesser gods and the entire universe further evolved. विहाई Ex:  Earth is the only planet in the universe known to harbour life. विहायस्, विहायस Ex:  Some believe souls in some way "echo" to the edges of this universe व्योम Ex:  Old Earth creationism holds that the physical universe was created by God उ:   जहा¡ व्योम स्वच्छन्द है मैं वहीं हूँ। संसार Ex:  They believe that God created the universe approximately 6000 years ago उ:   यह संसार में सबसे अधिक बोली जाने वाली भाषा है। संसृति Ex:  If the large-scale universe appears isotropic as viewed from Earth उ:   संसृति का अर्थ है झुकाव, एक बिंदु की तरफ रुझान या प्रवृति। समस्त विचाराधीन वस्तु Ex:  Throughout the universe सम्पूर्ण सृषिटि Ex:  As the universe expands सर्वभूत Ex:  Starburst galaxies were more common during the early history of the universe सिस्टि Ex:  These associations formed early in the universe सिहिटिपु Ex:  As knowledge of the universe grew सृष्टि Ex:  Evolutionism gives a purely physical interpretation of all phenomena of the universe उ:   कविता शब्दों की नई सृष्टि है। सौँसार० ‡ Ex:  God created, maintains and governs the universe स्थूलप्रपंच Ex:  God fills the universe with his presence स्वयंभू Ex:  God formed the universe उ:   माता रेणुका के मंदिर में उनका चेहरा प्रस्थापित है जो स्वयंभू है।
Other : आलम Ex:  Pantheism holds that God is the universe and the universe is God. उ:   बोधा और आलम भी इसी परम्परा में आते हैं। जग Ex:  One view is that time is part of the fundamental structure of the universe उ:   शिल्पज्ञान जग कियउ उजागर। लोक Ex:  Other authors working in Asimov's fictional universe have adopted them उ:   लोक में क्रिया रूप कार्य में लक्षणा होती है। सृष्टि या संसार या विश्व या जगत Ex:  astronomical description of the universe
Universe ki paribhasha : kuean ke oopar chaaron or bana hua chabootara jisapar khade hokar paani bharate hain lagaataar ek avastha se doosari avastha men jaate rahana ek badi snkhya ka soochak shabd banaane ya paida hone ki kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Universe in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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