Unmindful meaning in hindi
As adjective : अकृतबुद्धि Ex:  while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled अगेयान Ex:  He is unmindful of the events that are happening in the country. अजननी अनजान उ: इसीलिए उनके लेखन से हमारे आम शिक्षित जन काफी-कुछ अनजान से ही हैं। अनाडी़ असचेत नाआगाह नावाकिफ बुड़बक लाइल्म
Unmindful ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki lnbi ghaas jise praaya: bhaisen hi khaati hain aur jisase unake doodh men kuchh nasha aa jaata hai behosh
ExamplesUsage of Unmindful in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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