Unpleasant meaning in hindi
As adjective : अखज Ex: an unpleasant personality
अजाय Ex: He has an unpleasant personality. अदर्शनोय Ex: He relegates unpleasant tasks to his assistant. अधर्मात्मा Ex: He was about to mingle in an unpleasant affair अनखौहा० Ex: I loathe to take that road to my house because of very unpleasant stench at a particular point. अनचहा० Ex: Your comment calls something unpleasant to mind . अनबना Ex: Oral acetylcysteine may be poorly tolerated due to its unpleasant taste अनभाया Ex: Although the conditions of their imprisonment were not unpleasant अनभायौ Ex: Besides being unpleasant to drink and not authentic absinthe अप्रिय Ex: It also has very unpleasant side effects including diarrhea उ: अप्रिय पक्षियों में कोवा, चील, उल्लू, गिद्ध आदि हैं। अमनोज्ञ Ex: Since these doubts are unpleasant अरिष्ट Ex: A good time, a bad time to also say pleasant or unpleasant moments अलीकी Ex: and by extension, all unfortunate moment, unpleasant असत् Ex: Bad mood, unpleasant ways उ: अपितु जो उत्पन्न हुआ है उसे उत्पत्ति के पहले असत् माना जाता है। कुढ़ंग Ex: Company thoughtless, reckless, whose consequences are often unpleasant, unpleasant कृच्छ Ex: divert his mind, his thought an unpleasant subject खवारी Ex: experience an unpleasant impression खुटवा Ex: Figure unpleasant गंदमगंदा Ex: HAIR also said the hair; but in this sense, we did not use that in speaking of hair, the color is said to unpleasant or diminishes with age गर्ह्माणक Ex: Having bad breath, Have a breath an unpleasant odor denoting poor condition गलघोटू Ex: He said more generally unpleasant noise produced by some friction गहंणीय Ex: He said, specifically, of a Sort of discomfort, unpleasant sensation, which is excited in certain internal body parts and makes them feel torn घृणि Ex: He said, specifically, that it is exceedingly bitter, unpleasant taste, smell जबुर Ex: In my discharged from this unpleasant commission जबून Ex: In terms of Pharmacy, he said of the unleavened bread envelope is enclosed in which the unpleasant taste of powdered drugs धीँग Ex: It also means figuratively It is very mood unpleasant नागवार Ex: It also means Who is harsh and unpleasant to the ear, without harmony नापसंद Ex: It also means Who is harsh and unpleasant to the ear, without harmony नीठो Ex: It also says things which we did not expect the point, often unpleasant things that cross our plans and फासिर्द Ex: It is a very unpleasant neighborhood बदराह Ex: It is said colloquially a very unpleasant thing बिप्रिय Ex: It is unfortunate that this is unfortunate, it is a sad thing, unpleasant बुरा Ex: It is unpleasant to have to do to People like उ: स्टेनली येल्नाट्स बुरा भाग्य द्वारा अपनाई है। मलन Ex: It is unpleasant to see, to hear, to hear रिप्र Ex: It is used to mean by extension rather stink, infecting an unpleasant odor विझर्झर Ex: It means figuratively Causing an unpleasant impression at the sight, hearing शुभेतर Ex: It means the same experience Make a miscalculation, an unpleasant surprise श्रृधू Ex: It means, for exaggeration, in colloquial language, which is extremely unpleasant physically and morally संकसुक Ex: It Point took seriously the unpleasant things he was told, he turned in ridicule सावमर्द Ex: It still means Who is inconvenient, unpleasant
Other : अनाकर्षक Ex: Prolonged fermentation may render the milk unpleasant to consume. अप्रिय या नापसन्द या अरूचिकर Ex: This causes it to assume an unpleasant odor अरुचिकर Ex: A man unpleasant अरूचिकर Ex: After a few days gentle enough, we had a very unpleasant cold recovery असौम्य Ex: Botanic genus of the family of Solanaceae plants, including common species, the black henbane, or Hanebane is poisonous, narcotic, an unpleasant odor and is used in medicine as a sedative कटु Ex: Characters, unpleasant feelings कड़वा Ex: escape, evade something harmful, unpleasant तुर्श Ex: It also means an unpleasant way Interrupt नापसन्द Ex: It also means Who, no specific cause is usually an unpleasant mood परूष Ex: It is a matter, an unpleasant adventure
Unpleasant ki paribhasha : .... shatrutaapoorn
ExamplesUsage of Unpleasant in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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