Unremarkable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unremarkable
As noun : अप्राख्य Ex:  It appears in his notebooks as one of many unremarkable dim stars.
आर्डिनरी Ex:  Despite unremarkable pitching numbers एकविध Ex:  Although his military record was unremarkable चंचुप्रवेश Ex:  Largely because of the unremarkable weather, few residents heeded the warning. टकैया पंचमेल प्रकृत्थजीर्ण प्रायभव प्रायापयोगिक बालजातीय बेलकत वोछा साधारण देश साधारण उ:   ये साधारण परिवार के सरयूपारीण ब्राह्मण थे।
As adjective : मामूली उ:   कथाओं की अंतर्कथा, चिट्ठी, मामूली आदमी आदि प्रसिद्ध पुस्तकें हैं।
Other : गौण Ex:  Ryan had an unremarkable win-loss percentage उ:   इनके तन में गौण ऊतक में वाहिनियाँ पाई जाती हैं। साधारण या सामान्य
Unremarkable ki paribhasha : bhaav prakaash ke anusaar vah pradesh jahaaan jngal adhik hon, paani adhik ho, rog adhik hon aur jaad tatha garami bhi adhik padti ho
Usage of Unremarkable in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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