Unsafe meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unsafe
As adjective : असुरक्षित Ex:  This was made worse by the unsafe conditions. उ:   उनका जीवन असुरक्षित और दयनीय था।
खतरनाक Ex:  If swallowing is still unsafe after a week उ:   खासकर यह चांदपुर जिला के पास बहुत ही खतरनाक है। भीमयु Ex:  Urban areas have become particularly unsafe for women . शंकी Ex:  The unsafe assignments संकटपूर्ण संदिग्घ संदिग्घ सकंटक सप्रतिभय सोद्योग
Other : अक्षेमकर Ex:  Nowadays tap water is unsafe for drinking purposes. अरक्षित Ex:  Finally in 1887 a major land slip occurred which rendered the north wing unsafe असरंक्षित Ex:  Haywood had watched men die in unsafe mine tunnels खतरनाक. Ex:  As it became unsafe to travel or carry goods over any distance
Usage of Unsafe in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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