Unspecified meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Unspecified
As adjective : अनिर्दिष्ट Ex:  German , unspecified American , English , and Irish . उ:   उन्होंने लोगों को अनिर्दिष्ट उत्तेजनाओं से भर दिया।
अप्रकल्पक Ex:  If a visible part of a window has an unspecified content अप्रचोदित Ex:  Philip II died in 1598 due to an unspecified type of cancer in El Escorial
Other : अनिदिृर्ष्ट Ex:  For unspecified reasons अविनिर्दिष्ट Ex:  When we say of people, it usually refers only to an unspecified topic अविर्निदिष्‍ट Ex:  , at an unspecified time of year, month, week विस्तार से न कहा हुआ
Unspecified ki paribhasha : nishchit lakshy se rahit
Usage of Unspecified in sentences

The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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